Dates & Pricing

2026 June 9-16, 2026 Price: TBD Single room supplement: TBD Guide: TBD Maximum of 7 participants
Only one spot remaining!

Cassia Crossbill Extension June 16-18, 2026 Price: TBD Single room supplement: TBD Guide: TBD
Maximum of 7 participants
Only three spots remaining!

2027 June 8-15, 2027 Price: TBD Single room supplement: TBD Guide: TBD Maximum of 7 participants

Cassia Crossbill Extension June 15-17, 2027 Price: TBD Single room supplement: TBD Guide: TBD
Maximum of 7 participants

Please CONTACT US for private tour details.

Montana in Summer: Where the mountains meet the plains + Cassia crossbill extension

With a combination of mountains, grasslands, and wetlands, Montana in summer offers a mouthwatering diversity of breeding birds. We will look for birds like Baird's Sparrow, Sprague's Pipit, Mountain Plover, Dusky Grouse, and Black Rosy-Finch. All this in a spectacular setting, with the endless grassy plains abutting the snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains. Add in a visit to Yellowstone National Park with its abundant bison and other large mammals (maybe even wolf!) and you have the perfect summer birding trip to the American West.

The extension will find us driving to Southern Idaho to look for Cassia Crossbill, the most recently described bird species in North America. The mountains in this region also give us a good opportunity to search for other specialties like Flammulated Owl, Common Poorwill and Lewis’s Woodpecker.

Itineraries will be updated with plenty of time before the next departure. Our itineraries usually show minimal changes between years, but some substantive updates can occur as birding access and information evolves. For any specific questions regarding these trips, please contact us.