Spring migration is in full swing, so it’s a great time to see birds as they are rushing north or setting up their breeding territories. Josh does a lot of leading free field trips at this time of year for local birding and conservation organizations, and there are still plenty more before he starts his busy summer travel schedule, with trips to Panama and South Africa. All of the trips below are free and open to the public. Just be sure to introduce yourself! Click the links for trip details. Josh is also available for personal guiding, which is a great way to learn about migration or to see the birds you want to see--just get in touch to start planning.
Thursday, May 17, 7:30am: Perkins Woods (Evanston) with the Evanston North Shore Bird Club. Map of meeting location.
Sunday, May 20, 6:30am: Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary with the Illinois Young Birders (RSVP required; limited to students 8-18 and their families).
Thursday, May 24, 7:30am: Perkins Woods (Evanston) with the Evanston North Shore Bird Club. Map of meeting location.
Tuesday, June 5, 7:30am: McCormick Bird Sanctuary/Burnham Wildlife Corridor (Chicago) for Audubon Great Lakes. Map of meeting location.
Saturday, June 9, 7:30am: Plum Creek Forest Preserve (southeast Cook County) with the Evanston North Shore Bird Club (space is limited, RSVP to josh@redhillbirding.com). Map of meeting location.
Northern Parula from a guided trip last week, at LaBagh Woods Forest Preserve in Chicago.