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Update from the field

We've just finished up our first of back-to-back birding and wildlife photography tours in South Africa. What a great trip it was. I love introducing people to Africa for the first time and seeing things anew through their eyes. We racked up over 200 bird species in 11 days driving a loop from Johannesburg, but more importantly we got many incredible photos and simply had an incredible trip. 

Among the highlights were a pride of 12 lions around a waterhole, including six cubs; four leopards; incredible, close encounters with elephants, giraffes, hippos, and many other African savanna animals; watching Southern Ground Hornbills carrying around mice they had caught; a tif over food between an African Gray Hornbill and a Black-shouldered Kite; incredible photo opportunities at the feeders at the stunning Kurisa Moya Nature Lodge; a day to see the sights of Johannesburg; and interesting and varied food and accommodations throughout.

It will take a while to go through all the photos to get a photo gallery posted, but here's two for a sample. Can't wait to get back into the field tomorrow for more!

One of many unforgettable moments from the trip: Spotted Hyena pot o' gold at the end of a glorious rainbow,.

THE iconic African birding safari bird: Lilac-breasted Roller. 

THE iconic African birding safari bird: Lilac-breasted Roller.