We have a series of FREE field trips coming up for fall migration, led by Josh Engel. They are to some of Josh's favorite places to see fall migrants.
JARVIS BIRD SANCTUARY at Belmont Harbor, Chicago (map of trip location)
Fridays, starting at 7:30am. We will stay on (or very near) the viewing platform on the east side of the bird sanctuary for the whole trip, seeing what birds pass by, so you can come any time between 7:30 and 9:30. This trips were a lot of fun last year, so we’re doing it again. Jarvis is an excellent place to see migrants, including birds actively migrating south overhead. Warblers, swallows, flycatchers, vireos, hummingbirds, wrens, and much more. Coffee from a local cafe will be provided--please bring your own mug. Park in the lot on the north side of the sanctuary (metered parking). Trips are led by Josh Engel, sometimes with a guest leader. In partnership with Chicago Audubon Society.
Aug 30
Sep 6
Sep 13
Sep 20
Sep 27
Oct 4 (guest leader)
PERKINS WOODS, Evanston (map of meeting location)
Thursdays in September, starting at 7:30am. Looking for migrants in this small, suburban forest preserve. We have a long history of seeing great birds on these Perkins Woods walks, including Mississippi Kite, Black-billed and Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Great Horned Owl, and most of the expected warblers, flycatchers, vireos, and other migrants. Trips will be led by Josh Engel and John Bates. In partnership with the Evanston North Shore Bird Club.
Sep 5
Sep 12
Sep 19
Sep 26
Jarvis Bird Sanctuary and Perkins Woods are both good places to see Yellow-billed Cuckoo in migration. Photo by Josh Engel.