It has been a busy start to our year at Red Hill Birding! As the world continues to open up and restrictions ease, we have been cautiously optimistic about 2022 and beyond. In fact, in the middle of March, all three of Red Hill Birding’s primary guides (Josh, Adam & Nathan) were out leading private tours in tropical regions. It was a welcome sign of things to come.
We are excited to be heading into the peak of our spring season in Chicago. Our local half-day trips are up and running, and a select few still have some openings, which you can view and register for HERE. Our spring birding weekends (view and register for HERE) still have some spots open for our quickly approaching trips to Pere Marquette and the Mississippi Palisades. Lastly, we are preparing for field trips and talks on our inaugural visit to the Indiana Dunes Birding Festival! If you are headed to the festival, come bird with us in the mornings at Longshore Tower Big Sit, and be sure to visit us in the vendor tent. It’s hard to beat spring migration in Chicagoland and we look forward to witnessing the magic of migration together.
Watching pelicans at sunset on our Mississippi Palisades weekend in late spring last year.