You might not know it from the lack of updates here, but we’ve had a very busy spring and summer! With about 30 days trips in the Chicago area this spring, plus two weekend trips farther afield in Illinois, and trips to Texas, Colombia, Arizona, Montana, Idaho, and South Africa, we’ve been at it! We’re looking forward to continuing this trend.
In that vein, check out our upcoming schedule of day trips. There are also a few longer upcoming trips that still have spots available, going to some of the best hotspots in Illinois and North America: Hawk Ridge, Minnesota, Sept. 15-19 for the peak of fall migration (1 spot); Cape May, New Jersey, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3 during fall bird and monarch migration season (1 spot); our Shorebird Special Weekend, Sept. 9-11, to Emiquon in Central Illinois (3 spots); and our newly added Magic Stump Prairie Falcon Movie Special, December 2-4.
A Red-shouldered Hawk visited Josh’s backyard in Evanston recently. Some of our local trips stop by his yard to see what’s around.